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ABA Therapy

Applied Behavioral Analysis is a science that is used to produce socially significant behavior changes (including decreasing problem behavior while increasing social/communication behavior). It enables individuals with disabilities, special needs, and learning differences to adapt to changes in their environment. What sets Stepping Stones Therapeutics apart is that we develop programs and plans specifically to tailor the needs of an individual. We do more than produce changes to adapt to the environment; we provide functionally relevant behavior changes for an individual to succeed in their natural environment.

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Verbal Behavior + Social Skills

Social skills are necessary to form and maintain satisfying relationships and to get along with others in an acceptable manner that is comfortable to the client. A core function of social skills is about being flexible to adjust one's behavior to fit a particular situation and to incorporate one's needs and desires. Some individuals have more difficulty learning and maintaining social skills and benefit from some extra coaching and practice. Social skills targeted through Stepping Stones Therapeutics focus on skills such as greetings, requesting, functional imitation, reciprocal communication, as well as peer play to help children with social challenges.


Self-Help Skills

A corner stone of ABA is promoting independence to succeed in one's environment, to not only increase self-esteem and awareness, but to learn and maintain functional tasks to maximize essential daily living skills. These programs include toileting, feeding, dressing, grooming, as well as domestic tasks. Stepping Stones Therapeutics takes pride in creating comprehensive programming to help each individual unlock their potential, one step at a time.